The Voice of the Silence

With so many voices fighting to be heard in our world it helps to be able to discern the true from the false.

Truth is a relative commodity in our mind-made world because the mind has no capacity to discern the Truth, which is eternal and a mystery to the ego and mind.

The current barrage of voices are committed to convincing us that their side of each argument is the true one. And some are willing to kill to make their point.

This fear-based behaviour is motivated by the ego’s commitment to defending itself. In fact, the ‘truth’ is often closer to the middle way that balances the two extremes.

The best way to discern between all of these voices lies closer to home.

You can best develop discernment by learning to differentiate between the voice of your ego and the voice of the silent Presence within.

The ego’s voice is mind-based and so it supports the goal of material happiness & success, but in doing so enmeshes you in the world of separation, fear and desire.

To hear your true voice, the voice of the Silence, your mind has to quieten by focusing on something concrete like a sight or sound.

When you concentrate on one thing the ego relaxes it’s grip on you and the mind is able to return to the present moment.

Then in the thought-free state of the present moment there is an inherent knowing and discernment about what is life-giving and wholesome and what is not.

This knowing is like an inner voice that emerges from the Silence. It is your own inner detective and offers the discernment of a silent mind.

The bliss that emerges from the Silence is the true happiness that we all seek.

It comes from within, but the ego, in its deluding way, convinces us that happiness can only be found outside in the material world.

Bliss is part of our true nature and so happiness is revealed as you awaken into the silence, peace and stillness of Presence.

As you become more established in Presence, this discerning and knowing inner voice emerges to guide you through the jungle of the mind-made world.


The Power of Presence


Being Myself