Stepping Out of My Story

We live in a world where we are fully identified with and caught up in our stories.

My personal story is composed of my beliefs, opinions, projections and ideas. It is also constructed out of the ego’s desires, fears, memories and imaginings.

There’s nothing wrong with my story, except my identification with it. To be identified with my story is to be trapped in the mind and alienated from Presence.

We all want a good story and tend to chase after those who appear to have a good one, so that we can learn how they do it!

Movie stars, influencers, spiritual teachers, tech. entrepreneurs and others seem to be running good stories and so we want to be like them.

To avoid feeling alone we either try to pull others into our stories or to get involved in their stories.

These boundary intrusions are the source of most of the problems in society today.

We want people to affirm our stories and to reassure us that we are good and valuable people. The thing is that all these motivations are based on the ego’s fear of being alone and caught in the darkness of the mind.

Many of us take a stance on one of the prevailing debates of the day and then fight for our position. Yet, there’s no absolute truth in any one position, because they are all mind-based.

When I step out of my story I feel silence, love and freedom. My heart feels love for the whole existence and my mind is silent.

Little is needed because my story isn’t driving me, as it once did. I’m not pursuing anything and that frees me to live life in the present moment.

Available to love and serve life if needed, but less caught up in the global frenzy of having my story validated and affirmed.

It feels like true freedom to me.


Being Vulnerable