Dear Friends,
Like us you must be feeling for the millions of animals who have been killed and maimed in the fires currently ravaging eastern Australia. Estimates are that 1/2 billion animals have perished so far.
We invite you to join with us this Sunday from the quiet of your own meditation space to offer love, healing and peace to the nature kingdoms in Australia. The timing of the meditation will be as follows according to your location.
Melbourne - January 5 at 8.00 pm (UTC/GMT +11 hours)
Copenhagen - January 5 at 10.00 am
London – December 26 at 9.00 am
New Delhi – December 26 at 2.30 pm
nb. If you are unable to join in at the set time feel free to do it at a time of your own choosing.
Healing Meditation Guidelines
On the day, simply come into the present moment by focusing on your breath and align with your fellow group members and the Masters, healing Angels and Devas joining us at this time.
Then ask the Father-Mother God to heal the nature kingdoms and spend a few minutes allowing the love, healing and peace to flow through you to them.
You may like to sit in the silent Presence for 20 minutes or so, allowing yourself to be a channel for the divine Power to heal the nature kingdoms.
If you would like to show your support for this event please copy our Facebook group link in your browser window to be taken to the group.
Please feel free to share your thoughts, feelings and prayers on the Facebook group page and to share the group link with your friends.
Love & thanks,
John Waters and Steinunn Helga.