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The Power of Presence Group

The Power of Presence Group

Dear Friends,

I am delighted to invite you to the Power of Presence online group commencing on 25th August 2021 and to be held weekly via Skype.

In this group you can join with others who value the silent Presence.

We will explore how to awaken to the Presence, our true nature, which dwells in our innermost heart and permeates the entire creation as Silence, Peace, Bliss and Oneness.

You can experience how the power of Presence heals the unresolved aspects within your soul that are revealed as you enter deeply into the present moment.

Acceptance plays such a large role in awakening because it civilizes the ego and allows for deep healing and awakening to take place. This is healing through the power of Presence itself.

We will likely explore various techniques that support your awakening such as:

• simple concentration exercises

• heartfelt surrender to your inner Master, the silent Presence

• self-enquiry about your identity, using the question, Who Am I?

Insights around the following topics are also relevant to your practice:

• quietening the mind & dissolving thoughts

• resolving past impressions, emotions & negative beliefs

• managing your desires, imagination & the future

• discerning your true identity vs your ego identity

• how the ego hijacks your life & relationships

If this group attracts your interest please feel free to contact me to ask any questions or enrol. You can find more details about the group below.

Love & Blessings,

John Waters.


The weekly Skype group will commence at the following times:

United States: Wednesday 25th August 2021 at 5.30pm PDT, 7.30pm CT & 8.30pm EDT

Australia: Thursday 26th August 2021 at 10.30am AEST

To Enrol

To join the group you contact John via:


Mobile: (Cell) +61 417 507 307

Fb Messenger: For Facebook friends

You can also read more about this approach by reading articles on

or join John’s Facebook page at

About John Waters

John is an Australian psychologist and spiritual guide who has counselled in tertiary institutions and more recently practiced soul-centred, multidimensional psychology.

Following years of spiritual exploration John had a series of awakenings in India between 2016-2018 and then felt the need to integrate all that he had been through. He was able to do that through guidance from spiritual teacher, Leonard Jacobson.

This brought about a fundamental awakening in Presence and since then John has led a quiet life, occasionally offering small groups & individual sessions that focus on awakening.

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